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This would re-enable any current interfaces that are licensed:
Mysql reporter
Update interfaces set enabled='Y' where id in (select interfaceid from

agent_definitions); Update harvesters set flowEnabledLastModified=unix_timestamp();

Here are the steps to find and delete the router from the harvester tables.
Open a command prompt on your harvester. Go to D: drive.
Type: mysql harvester (this opens the harvester database). Then you can
type the following -

This was my fault. You're right; RA 9.0 uses MySQL 5.1, so the first
command should be -

mysql -P3308 harvester

show tables;

(You should see both the routers and interfaces tables)

SELECT <your router IP or name> FROM routers;

SELECT <your router IP or name> FROM interfaces;

(This should bring up your router if it is listed in the table. Be sure to
substitute the router name or IP address for <your
router IP or name>.)

If you don't know how it's listed, you can use -

SELECT * FROM routers;

(This will show all entries, so it might be a large list.)

If your router is listed, then you can delete it by replacing SELECT with
DELETE in the 2 commands above.

In other words, specify the router in question in the DELETE command.
Otherwise, the harvester will have to rediscover all the routers, and you
may lose some data.

I highly recommend backing up the database, or at least the 2 tables in
question, before any modifications.

Then go to Start > Administrative Tools > Services and make sure NetQoS
Harvester is started. The router should be
rediscovered at this point, and you can see in in the Admin tab.

If you still can't see it, please download & run the SupportCIG  tool from -  

Show Router state:

mysql -P3308 harvester

select inet_ntoa(router),state from routers;

-- do you see state=2 for these misbehaving devices


  Deleting routers and interfaces from the harvester database in RA 9 Document



Deleting routers and interfaces from the harvester database in RA 9.0

Let’s start saying that the developers don’t agree deleting devices and adding them back is not the best way to solve problems. They recommend to repoll the device if necessary, but definitely now delete them if we still need them.

To Repoll a device

Go to the RA admin page (Admin>Enable Interfaces and select router or device), there is a section called Enable Interfaces (Admin>Enable Interfaces and select router or device). There you will see the routers listed. On the top right of each router, there are 3 buttons, click the one that looks like binoculars. This is the repoll function (should come back and say profile found if successful).

Try to repoll a device and not delete it unless totally necessary.

Adding a device back after being deleted

If we have to add it back, here are the steps to follow:

We access the harvester database

C:\Documents and Settings\nqadmin>mysql -P 3308 harvester

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

Your MySQL connection id is 45247 to server version: 5.1.30-enterprise-commercial-advanced


Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

 Check the content of the routers database, you will see a wide table with the routers and their details. The router doesn’t appear in a human understandable IP address. You the commend below will help to display to columns of interest, with IP and the router uptime in human. Don’t worry about the dates. This is our lab, and we have fake data, so I would expect all kind of weird things. The command will show us if the router is indeed there.

mysql> select * from routers;


| Router     | EngineID | SysUptime | ObsTime    | State | UpdateTime | Trust | SampleRateOverride |


| 3232237046 |      256 |  31630000 | 1285854407 |     1 | 1285854512 |     0 |                  1 |

| 3232237047 |      256 |  31630000 | 1285854407 |     1 | 1285854512 |     0 |                  1 |

| 3232237048 |      256 |  31630000 | 1285854407 |     1 | 1285854512 |     0 |                  1 |

| 3232237045 |      256 |  15251000 | 1286183689 |     1 |          0 |     0 |                  1 |

| 3232237050 |      256 |  31690000 | 1285854467 |     1 | 1285854512 |     0 |                  1 |

| 3232237049 |      256 |  31690000 | 1285854467 |     1 | 1285854512 |     0 |                  1 |

| 3232237051 |      256 |  31690000 | 1285854467 |     1 | 1285854512 |     0 |                  1 |


7 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select inet_ntoa(router), from_unixtime(SysUptime) from routers;


| inet_ntoa(router) | from_unixtime(SysUptime) |


|     | 1971-01-01 20:06:40      |

|     | 1971-01-01 20:06:40      |

|     | 1971-01-01 20:06:40      |

|     | 1970-06-26 07:23:20      |

|     | 1971-01-02 12:46:40      |

|     | 1971-01-02 12:46:40      |

|     | 1971-01-02 12:46:40      |


7 rows in set (0.00 sec)


This command will delete the router from the table

mysql> delete from routers where inet_ntoa(router) = ''


Now it is time to find which interfaces belong to that router. You can see that router has 6 interfaces, one of them are enabled:

 mysql> select inet_ntoa(router), EphID, PstID, Enabled from interfaces order by router;


| inet_ntoa(router) | EphID | PstID | Enabled |


|     |     3 |     2 | N       |

|     |     1 |     3 | Y       |

|     |     4 |     4 | Y       |

|     |     5 |     5 | Y       |

|     |     7 |     6 | Y       |

|     |     2 |     1 | N       |

|     |     1 |     3 | N       |

|     |     4 |     4 | N       |

|     |     5 |     5 | N       |

|     |     7 |     6 | N       |

|     |     3 |     2 | Y       |

|     |     2 |     1 | Y       |

|     |     2 |     1 | Y       |

|     |     3 |     2 | Y       |

|     |     2 |     1 | N       |

|     |     3 |     2 | Y       |

|     |     3 |     2 | Y       |

|     |     2 |     1 | Y       |

|     |     2 |     1 | Y       |

|     |     3 |     2 | Y       |


20 rows in set (0.00 sec)

 The command to delete all those interfaces would be:

mysql> delete from routers where inet_ntoa(router) = ''

 you should see the number of matching lines, which should be the same as the number of interfaces.

 Once you finish, restart the harvester service and wait a few minutes for it to be rediscovered.





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